The Business Case – a Living Document
The business case is the living document that focusses all stakeholders on the business drivers, direction and desired outcomes. All too many times, the business case is thought of as a deliverable from an early stage in the initiative and then put on a shelf. The business case should be referenced (and updated if necessary) at each project/business decision. The impact of certain decisions can affect the business justification, or hinder the achievement of a benefit/outcome. The costs may change and or the benefits may change, bringing the justification for the initiative into question.
Business Case-not a document to sit on a shelf
A business case is a tool used to present an evaluation of alternatives and support making a decision. The completion of a business case is typically a required process to gain support and funding for an initiative. Getting approval for the project is the start, not the end use of the business case. We believe that it should remain front and centre of the initiative. Appropriate governance over the business case should be in place to ensure it is updated to reflect the business outcome and financial benefits as the project progresses. It’s these business outcomes and benefits that should continue to be evaluated and measured after the project is completed and the resulting operations are in place.